Sunday, September 9, 2012

Here's To You and You and You and You...

Happy Sunday Everyone,

I've survived the second week of school which is great because I can continue writing this blog.  Lucky you! No, but in all seriousness I appreciate the readers who have been keeping up on my life.  I hope my writing is somewhat entertaining, informative, and motivational to those who run or write.  Let's be real as an English major I love what I do which is writing and reading.

 For my Creative Writing poetry class this semester our professor is having us keep a journal to carry around with us at all times.  We can write our reading reactions to poems, everyday occurrences, etc. in order to reach the 3 page weekly minimum of writing.  This is not an issue for me because I regularly write my thoughts and poetry down, whether in a text message to myself, in a notebook, or on the computer.  I prefer a good old fashioned notebook and pencil myself.  I find often that I will think of lines to a poem while riding my bike or laying in bed.  These are times where I need something to write on or the idea will soon escape my mind.  

In summary, I urge you to keep a journal of some kind to get your ideas, thoughts, everyday events, times that made you happy, frustrations, and or your workout regimen onto a permanent file.  A place where you can look back and read about your own life so you won't get lost in the shuffle of our busy world.  We all know that it's a fast paced world we're living in. So I'm asking, If you don't take the time to remember and reflect on the day or even the week then what are you really living for?

Enough philosophical thoughts for one post.  I had another great week of running/working out.  I haven't mentioned before but not only do I run but I incorporate biking for about 20 minutes on Rolling Hills setting to get more of a leg workout.  I know I really should start working other parts of my body with weightlifting and ab exercises but I have not yet.  I need to build strength in my arms more specifically; push ups are definitely my weakness.  My running is summarized below:

Total Miles: 22
Word Count Goal: 1320 
Mileage Goal for Next Week:    22 or + 

 Monday, which was Labor Day, I forgot my watch at my apartment so the recording and picture is not available.  Instead I just remembered the treadmill information which was 3.1 miles in 30 minutes beginning with a 9:40 pace.  I accomplished my goal of increasing my pace that I set in my last post.  The week just got better from Monday on.          

Tuesday I ran on the treadmill for 3.5 miles after my classes, work, and a Sigma Tau Delta Meeting (English Club on campus).  I'm extremely excited for participating this year as I was only able to go Spring semester after coming back to MSUM from Massachusetts.  I am mostly excited for the International Convention which is every year in March.  So many people are gathered in one place who share the same love for reading and writing.  Creative writing pieces and critical work are presented as well as well known authors.  The last two years 5 students were able to go each year. After fund raising each person only paid 100 dollars out of pocket for 5 days in a hotel plus the plane ticket.  Well, this year the convention is in Portland, OR!  One of the places on my list that I want to visit.  So if I participate in fund raising, attending meetings, etc. I hope to be in Portland, OR in March.     

Wednesday I ran a little over 3.1 on the treadmill and biked about 10 minutes on the bike.

On Thursday my morning class was cancelled at 9:30 so I was able to run with two new friends at 8:45 in downtown Fargo.  I’m usually not a morning runner because I feel like it’s harder for me to run after 7 or so hours of laying still; another mental hill to get over.  I need to get used to the idea of running in case my week days get too busy and I’m forced to run early in the morning before my 8:30 class.  I really enjoyed running on Wednesday because I am not a regular runner around the downtown area, I usually stay in the radius of my school.  Being with other people pushed me to pick up my pace.  I ran 4 miles at a 9 minute pace instead of a 9:40 and had some great conversation at the same time!  

Now this also means that I need to maintain or increase my pace of 9 minutes because I was not pushing myself hard enough with the 9:40.  GOALS GOALS GOALS  are hard to set and even harder to beat.  But starting Monday the treadmill will be set at a 9 minute pace, promise.

On Fridays for the month of September my hours of the day are scheduled to perfection.
Class 8:30-9:20
Write Cite 9:30-12:30
Work 1:30-12:00am
This means I get up at 6 am to fit my run in, which I did.  I tried my best to maintain a pace of 9 minutes.  There’s something about waking up and running outside knowing that in most of the houses people are still sleeping while you run by.  I was thinking of my day  ahead and how blessed I am to have the opportunity to attend college and have two good jobs.  Friday mornings I will use to reflect upon life.

Saturday I worked another 10 hour shift and instead of running outside when I finished I decided to mix it up and do a round of Insanity.  I lasted about 2 and a half weeks of Insanity during this past summer before I stopped/became lazy.  This workout was a good mix up from my regular running routine.  I figured it wouldn't hurt to work other muscles on top of cardio in replace of my usual run. 

And now I've reached Sunday and the day is quickly coming to an end.  I had such a lovely day today with my sister in the beginning and friends later on.  Doing homework with Carmella is one of the blessings I have in my life.  Later on in the day my boyfriend Joel and I went over to our friend's apartment and a bunch of us made soup! I don't think we ever settled on a name, Dirty hairy foot was in the works.  Believe me it tasted much better than it sounds! We all chipped in and brought various ingredients, mostly fresh veggies, and it came out amazingly good.  It's great to spend my Sunday relaxing with good company and chit-chatting about life.  We also went to Church afterwards which I find to be the perfect way to end a weekend.  Now I'm ready for another week packed full of fun.

I hope you all had a fulfilling week and have a good week ahead of you.  If you haven't seen this video I'm going to make you smile for 46 seconds.  Enjoy!

Until next time,
Stay joyful


Monday, September 3, 2012

School is Rolling

I did not post this on Sunday because technically it is still the weekend.  That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!  I hope those who had the holiday off enjoyed their three day weekend. I completed my goal of mileage this week with the info below.  The first week of school has come and gone but it has not reached the highest point of busyness just yet.  This week I start working in the Write Site which will cut 9 more hours out of my week.  I'm much better with a routine though and having a routine compiled of class, work, meetings, working out, and homework keeps me on track.  I hope to not procrastinate much this semester because then I get stressed, and who likes being stressed? Not me.  

Total Miles: 20.6
Word Count Goal: 1,236
Mileage Goal for Next Week:    20.6 or + 

My future is looking brighter and brighter with every passing day.  I have my family, friends, and God to thank for it.  I met with my advisor and switched my major to dual English and Mass Communications along with a Certificate in Publishing.  After this semester I have 10 more classes to graduate and I feel much better adding on the Mass Communications major.  I decided it was best to take advantage of the classes offered while I am still in school; especially since I declared my major two years into school.  So far I am loving my 3 Mass Communication classes and 3 English classes.  Although Summer is rapidly coming to an end I am accepting Fall with open arms.      

Things I am looking forward to this semester: 

*Family Visit: My mom, dad, and Angel visiting me the third weekend of September.  They are bringing my cats who are staying with us for 6 months.  It is going to be great to have my sisters around us again (they are 14) and to fight over which one sleeps on our bed. 

*Faith: I've recently opened my heart up to God and I look forward to learning as much as possible and devoting myself to Him.  Every day I learn something new and I have met so many new and wonderful friends who are helping me.  I am reminded constantly of  how blessed I am. 

*The Fall:  Pumpkin pie and pumpkin spiced lattes to warm me inside and out.

I love when the leaves change and the air gets crisp. 
The decorations for Thanksgiving and Halloween are the cutest. 

*Seattle: Trip to Seattle, WA during Fall breather.  I'm going to visit a place I've never visited before.  Exploring the town and getting coffee at as many coffee shops as possible is my plan.  

*Thanksgiving Dinner: Does this need any more explanation?  I've already bought spaghetti squash to make this week because I'm craving Thanksgiving food.  My parents will not be in Wisconsin this Thanksgiving so I do not know who I will be eating with.  Although I won't be with all of my family I have so much to be thankful for in my life.

Nicole and I during Fall Breather 2010
*Running outside: Nothing is better than taking in the scenery of the colorful leaves and decorations during a run.

After this week of running I am increasing my endurance and am looking forward to increasing my mileage.  Along with running more miles I am also going to work on my pace. This last week I ran at a pace of 9:50 and this week I am running at a pace of 9:40. Now that I am running again I have to make sure that I do not stay at a comfortable pace.  I need to push myself during times when I do not think I can keep going.  Breaking down running barriers is something I stride towards. 

Not only is running an important part of my life but I make sure to put the right fuel into my body so I can perform at my best.  Fruits and vegetables make up a large part of my diet as well as whole grains and protein from egg whites.  I am trying to cut down on my meat consumption even though I don't eat white meat a lot and I rarely eat red meat.  Through out the day I eat around 6 small meals instead of 3 large meals and I make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. 

 I don't believe in diets because once a diet is over people tend to crash and over consume the foods that were previously cut out of their lives.  Another important aspect of eating  right is eating in moderation.  Of course I crave chocolate, ice cream, and cookies because I am human!  The best feeling is when I eat healthy and after a couple of weeks I no longer crave sugar as much.  Instead of candy bars or cookies I would rather have fresh fruit or oatmeal with a tablespoon of peanut butter.

The runs below are from a mixture of running on the treadmill and running outside.  Friday and Saturday took some self convincing to go for a run because of the two long shifts at work.  Afterward I always question myself why I would not want to run because I feel energized and refreshed every time.                       

Words of Wisdom:
Don't ever stop pushing yourself because you're afraid you will become tired.  Always push yourself because you want to become tired; sprinting and gasping for breath.  Pushing yourself leads to better workouts in which you improve and exceed your own expectations.  

I hope every one's September is getting off to a great start.  Whether you are starting a new semester or you're working I hope you are looking forward to the Fall just as much as I am.  If you're stressing out already (I hope not) I suggest some exercising or taking time out of the day to do something for yourself.        

Stay Joyful, 
