Friday, April 12, 2013

Always on the Move

Hi Friends,

It's been a while since my last blog post thanking everyone for the Charity Water donations. Busy is not a loaded enough word to describe the past month and a half which included spring break and a lot more traveling. One week out of the last 2 weeks I have been traveling, and I am very grateful for the opportunity. 

An excerpt from Tennsyon's poem, Ulysses, expresses my urge to keep traveling to new places in and out of the country: 

"I am a part of all that I have met; 
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough 
Gleams that untraveled world whose margin fades 
Forever and forever when I move" 
 I love these four lines and the truth pouring out.

 I am going to skip my spring break description because to be truthful it was a little stressful and includes car troubles. So, Easter is where I will begin. My sister Carmella and I were able to travel back home to Wisconsin to see my parents. The weekend was extremely relaxing, filled with good food and family bonding. We traveled back on Monday, the first of April and on Friday the fifth my friends and I traveled to Sioux Falls, SD for a concert. I love EVERY song on Macklemore's album The Heist so my sisters and I were pretty pumped for the show. He did not disappoint (we could have done with out the abundance of high schoolers). After staying over our friend Allie's house whose parents so graciously let us stay and they fed us, we drove back to Moorhead on the sixth.

Monday the  8th my sister Nicole and I left at 2 a.m. for Mankato, MN for the state academic conference where we presented our content analysis of violence in children's films(this is another blog post). We returned home from Mankato that same day around 8:30 p.m. On top of the traveling were days filled with school, homework, hanging with old friends and work so by Tuesday I was wiped out. So wiped out, I slept from 12:30 am Tuesday until 2:45 before going to work at 4. My body was telling me I needed rest but I pushed a little more and now I am sick with a cold. It was ALL worth it because seeing and experiencing new people and environments is worth it.

I guess what I am trying to say is settling down in one location is going to be hard for me in the future. All my life I've never stayed in one place very long. Moving from Fall River, MA to Providence, RI, to Wausau, WI and then to Moorhead, MN. I've always anticipated the move to somewhere new; a place with great adventures.  Of course I can always make adventures myself no matter what the city. After living in Moorhead, MN the past four years I've heard plenty of people say, "There's nothing to do here, it is so boring." You know what I say to that? The town isn't boring, only you are. It is called making the best of your situation and if a person cannot find entertainment or activities to do in the F/M area I call b.s. because that's their own fault.

I look forward to the traveling I pursue in the future and my next step in life. With this long winter we've been having (snowed today!) I hope to move out of the Midwest for a while after the summer of 2014. I also plan on doing some traveling in the country to states not yet visited. So I urge everyone to let your margins fade as you continue to keep moving.

Enjoy the picture of my sisters and I as babies, taken in Massachusetts.

Stay Joyful,


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