Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Story Without an Ending

Hello Blog World,
I am going to start off with my past blog record, which for a short stint during my freshman year in college lasted about a month.  After the first month I did not have the motivation to write.  The motivation I did have often led to either pessimistic complaints or "poor me" stories.  I do not know about you, but I sure would not want to read a Blog with those vibes.  So, after 2 years of maturity and growing up (don't worry I'm not that mature) I decided to make this new and hopefully inspirational blog.  "My Week In Miles" works as so, every week I will write 60 words for every mile I run.  I will post regularly on Sundays which are my running rest days.         

The summer of 2010, the summer of my freshman year, I decided I needed a change.  I needed a change in my life in order to feel better about myself, my future, and my state of mind.  What better change to make than exercise?  My particular poison, running of course.  I ran my first official 5K in January of 2010 because my RA and one of my best friends (Am) Erica heard about this race and asked if I wanted to join the group who had already signed up.  Running for a great cause, "Sub Zero for Sub Sahara 5K", of building Wells for those in Africa who did not have easy access to water. Imagine not having the convenience of turning the faucet on to wash dishes or living in a place where dying from dehydration is an epidemic not a "once in a while" occurrence.  I happily paid 30 dollars and ran in the cold of January for 30 minutes.  "Freezing Ours to Save Theirs!" became the motto of the road race.  I am thankful my biggest worry that day was running my first official race on an icy surface.  I became officially addicted to running once I crossed the finish line and found out my time.  

(Am) Erica and I after the race. 

Mid-May I bought a nifty Nike + Sport Band which can be conveniently found here:,pdp,ctr-inline/cid-1/pid-364253/pgid-275946  This watch motivated me to run and maybe it will seem interesting or help some of you.  The shoe sensor is either placed in the bottom of your Nike + Running shoe or can be attached to any pair of your favorite running shoe laces with a small sensor case.  The watch will track the time, mileage, pace, time elapsed during a run, and calories burned.  Then once you are done with your run the USB attachment is plugged into your computer and the Nike + website stores all of your runs.  The website also provides a running community where you can set goals for yourself, look up other friends who use the Nike + Sport Band, or simply look forward to uploading your next run.

All through the summer of 2010 I made major strides in my exercise regimen and running endurance.  The beginning showed difficulties, but determination and will power proved to be stronger than my urge to give up.  After a month or so I looked forward to running a 5K every 6 out of the 7 days of the week.  In fact, I felt horrible if I missed a day of running, especially if it was do to clear laziness.  After a year of running on a regular basis I declared myself a "Runner."  Believe me when I tell you this, all throughout High School and my Freshman year in college I claimed to HATE running with a passion.  Now I cannot get enough of it.  Change can be for the better, even if you've rejected the idea your entire life. This is not the end of my story because it is simply the beginning.  I will add bits and pieces along the way.  I do have to save some details for Sunday, I am working toward a 1080 word post after all! 

Currently listening to Punch Brothers-This Girl on YouTube.   

Stay Joyful,

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