Saturday, November 10, 2012

So much to catch up on

Hello Readers,

I know I've abandoned you once again but I promise I will try to keep in touch more often.  This semester has grabbed on to me and will not let me go.  Two months have passed already and I have so much to tell you. Basically, many of my days seem to roll into one short week.  My weeks are jam packed with classes and work; I am keeping myself busy.  Along with school I have had so much fun with friends and family.  My parents and Angel visited mid-September and my friend Sandra visited two weekends ago.  I also went back home to Wisconsin about a month ago for Angel's birthday which is always a great time when I get to see Angel. There is nothing like the comfort of your own bed as well.  So my plan for this post is to throw in some pictures of these events in my life.  If you are wondering about my running/workout schedule, yes, I did go astray; however, I began 2 weeks ago and I am going strong.

My mom and I in the kitchen where she made an amazing chicken pot pie!
First latte in Seattle, it exceeded my expectations.  
Carmella and I
We ran into some Boston fans, well they ran into us.
 The day the Pats played  the Sea hawks.
 Unfortunately, the Pats ended up losing
but the fans were happy and optimistic in the beginning. 
Joel, Carmella, and I bowling for Angel's birthday.
Angel's coolness exceeds every one's coolness by far.

Angel, Nicole, and Carmella bowling. 

Sandra, myself, and Sam at Acapulco during Sandra's visit. 

      These events in my life helped break a part the rush of school and work. I am so thankful and blessed to have friends and family who care about me and love me as much as they do.  I am forever grateful and love you all! 
       This was a quick post to update you and I look forward to updating my blog more often.  Thanksgiving break is coming up in a week and a half which I am pumped for.  I hope everyone is having a great weekend and year so far.  The fall season is slowly turning into winter and I am mentally preparing myself for the cold.  Although I feel I will never fully acclimate to the Midwest winters. 

Stay Joyful,

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