Thursday, February 21, 2013

The End is Near and the Future is Clear

Hello Friends,

I cannot believe how fast 7 weeks have passed. Thank you to all of you who donated so far! After looking back at my Nike account here are the official numbers for the amount of miles I ran:
January: 59
             February: 30 so far
I am going to try and run as far as possible in the next 8 days until the fundraiser ends. For only running 89 miles and to raise $796 is incredible and so much more than I expected. I never thought I would increase my first goal of $500 to $1,000.  

With every donation my eyes welled up with tears and I feel so blessed to be able to spread news about Charity Water and for so many people to respond positively. So far 39 men, women, and children will be provided with clean water in Ethiopia. 39 human beings lives will be changed forever because of water, an element many of us take for granted every day. 

All I had to do was run and advertise my fundraiser to friends, family, and one place of business. On March 2 2013 two months will mark the time it took to raise the final amount of money. I guess the point is for all of you who feel like you can do more, you can. Imagine if everyone followed through with a fundraiser like Charity Water. Imagine how much money could be raised for those in need. Whether you are called toward international fundraising or doing good in your community, I urge you do take a step forward. Hopefully I have encouraged others to begin their own fundraiser or to give up some of their week to volunteer. I certainly feel like more can be done by me. 

So here's to 8 more days left! Please spread the word if you haven't already about the fundraiser. 
My Charity Water Profile where you will find daily updates and pictures proving how many miles I ran each day:
Here is the direct link to the donation page:

Stay Joyful,

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