Sunday, January 27, 2013

Questioning Comparison

Hello friends,
"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lately I've been thinking about comparison. Us as human beings naturally if not ritualistically compare ourselves to everyone.  Whether the comparison is between our jobs, families, significant others, relationships, possessions, religions, morals, actions, etc. We get wedged between "Am I as accomplished as this person?" or "Could my life be better?" or "I have to fix this because that person's is like that" or "Wow, so and so should be more like me." Vague questions I know, but take into consideration the vagueness of comparison. No two individuals were born to be exactly alike. No matter the area of life you set your eyes upon, there will always be differing characteristics and circumstances.

Comparison is simple.
Comparison is easy.
Comparison is addicting.
Comparison sucks us in and distorts our minds into thinking we need to change.

This past week, I allowed countless comparisons to steal my time. I compare my faith, relationship, what it means to love, grades, wealth, and fitness. The only lesson I learn amounts to additional confusion and questioning. At this point separation of reality and fantasy is blurred into a Tetris game circa 1984. Building upon blocks and unable to tear apart the hinges. Leaving gaps of nothingness as a result. I do not want to live in fantasy. Comparison allows me to live in a fantasy dreaming of changes that will never take place. I dream of differences because I believe they will better my life. Reality screams back, the fact of the matter is if I remain in fantasy no changes will occur.

I am physically and emotionally tired of comparing the past and the possible future to this moment in time. My time on earth fails in comparison to where I hope to spend Eternity. What lies inside of me is yet to be discovered. We all have the ability to accomplish more. My accomplishments will fail in comparison to my fantasies.  Reality will trump. I will beat this game of Tetris, allowing doubts to dissolve with every block. Next time a thought of comparison comes to your mind simply ask yourself if it is fair. Is it fair to yourself? Is it fair to the thing your are comparing? Is it fair to the person you are comparing? I'm going to save you some time, IT ISN'T FAIR.

Next time you compare your life, wealth, religion, relationships,etc. (no matter the truth that may exist) remember we were all "fearfully and wonderfully made."

Stay Joyful,

Enjoy a picture of Luna and I :)

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