Hello Friends,
My mom texted me this pictures and said, "We were all sooo young!!"
My reply, "Loving the outfits! We're all still young! Wait til you're 80 and I'm 58 ;)"
"We will both be old ;)"
"We could even think about daddio being 100 and us being 70 :)"
"Wouldn't surprise me the old bugger!"
"Haha you're never getting away from daddio!"
In this image my mom was almost my age, 23, and my dad was 31.
It is true, time goes by faster than you wish and here we are today 22 years later.
Some of my friends are 24 and 25, about the time a "quarter-life" crisis hits. But those of us who are 22 and 23 do not even want to think about 25. In just two years we will be looking back at accomplishments and weighing what we've "done"with our lives so far.
I want to disparage the focus of age no matter if you are 22 or 104.
Here is what really matters in your life:
1. The relationships you form with others
Significant others, family, friends, passing strangers, classmates, the barista you see every morning for your latte with skim milk.
You meet millions of different people throughout your lifetime. Whether they be long lasting relationships or a few passing minutes, you never know when you can change another person's life just by saying hello. In turn, you never know when your life will be changed by a person you meet.
This world is populated with 7 billion people. Building relationships with others is human instinct and it is fully up to you whether or not you build relationships or pass through life living for yourself.
"If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace."
~Franklin D. Roosevelt
2. Giving back
A consequence of 7 billion people on this planet is many, many, many people who are in need. Food, water, shelter, education, clothing, hygiene supplies, school supplies and love are all necessities for people to live. How many people go through life without thinking of all the suffering around us?
We see a homeless man on the corner begging for some change, but drive past him with our music cranked high. We quickly change the commercial during the weekly sitcom because you don't want to be saddened by seeing starving children.
Donate food at the local food pantry, volunteer in your community, be a big brother or big sister or start a fundraiser for you favorite non-profit organization. The simplest act is giving back to those suffering in this world.
“To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
3. Pursuing your passions
A depressing sight for my eyes to see is people who are "stuck" in a job they absolutely hate. We are all breathing, we all have time, we all have passions. Pursue your passions no matter what!
Did you have a dream when you were 12, 25, 34, 50? Have you made your dream come true? If you're shaking your head left and right, I wish you the best. It's never too late to begin and change the path in your life.
"Decide what to be and go be it"
~The Avett Brothers
4. Travel
Go see the world. I don't care how you get there, how you live there, or what you do when you're there, just go.
That was vague wasn't it? Well, traveling is extremely important in order for us to open our eyes and push us out of our comfort zones. Warning: You will be uncomfortable during at least one part of traveling. Don't worry, this is a good uncomfortable.
The people and places you see while traveling will be memorable for the rest of your life. During travel you soak in different cultures, sights, sounds, languages and food (my favorite). Most importantly, you have the opportunity to see how other people live in different environments compared to your own.
"Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends."
~Maya Angelou
I urge everyone to experience life instead of measuring your life with numbers. Is living truly living if you do not do anything worth living for? Ponder that one.
Stay Joyful,
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
Always on the Move
Hi Friends,
I am going to skip my spring break description because to be truthful it was a little stressful and includes car troubles. So, Easter is where I will begin. My sister Carmella and I were able to travel back home to Wisconsin to see my parents. The weekend was extremely relaxing, filled with good food and family bonding. We traveled back on Monday, the first of April and on Friday the fifth my friends and I traveled to Sioux Falls, SD for a concert. I love EVERY song on Macklemore's album The Heist so my sisters and I were pretty pumped for the show. He did not disappoint (we could have done with out the abundance of high schoolers). After staying over our friend Allie's house whose parents so graciously let us stay and they fed us, we drove back to Moorhead on the sixth.
Monday the 8th my sister Nicole and I left at 2 a.m. for Mankato, MN for the state academic conference where we presented our content analysis of violence in children's films(this is another blog post). We returned home from Mankato that same day around 8:30 p.m. On top of the traveling were days filled with school, homework, hanging with old friends and work so by Tuesday I was wiped out. So wiped out, I slept from 12:30 am Tuesday until 2:45 before going to work at 4. My body was telling me I needed rest but I pushed a little more and now I am sick with a cold. It was ALL worth it because seeing and experiencing new people and environments is worth it.
I guess what I am trying to say is settling down in one location is going to be hard for me in the future. All my life I've never stayed in one place very long. Moving from Fall River, MA to Providence, RI, to Wausau, WI and then to Moorhead, MN. I've always anticipated the move to somewhere new; a place with great adventures. Of course I can always make adventures myself no matter what the city. After living in Moorhead, MN the past four years I've heard plenty of people say, "There's nothing to do here, it is so boring." You know what I say to that? The town isn't boring, only you are. It is called making the best of your situation and if a person cannot find entertainment or activities to do in the F/M area I call b.s. because that's their own fault.
I look forward to the traveling I pursue in the future and my next step in life. With this long winter we've been having (snowed today!) I hope to move out of the Midwest for a while after the summer of 2014. I also plan on doing some traveling in the country to states not yet visited. So I urge everyone to let your margins fade as you continue to keep moving.
Enjoy the picture of my sisters and I as babies, taken in Massachusetts.
Stay Joyful,
It's been a while since my last blog post thanking everyone for the Charity Water donations. Busy is not a loaded enough word to describe the past month and a half which included spring break and a lot more traveling. One week out of the last 2 weeks I have been traveling, and I am very grateful for the opportunity.
An excerpt from Tennsyon's poem, Ulysses, expresses my urge to keep traveling to new places in and out of the country:
"I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untraveled world whose margin fades
Forever and forever when I move"I love these four lines and the truth pouring out.
I am going to skip my spring break description because to be truthful it was a little stressful and includes car troubles. So, Easter is where I will begin. My sister Carmella and I were able to travel back home to Wisconsin to see my parents. The weekend was extremely relaxing, filled with good food and family bonding. We traveled back on Monday, the first of April and on Friday the fifth my friends and I traveled to Sioux Falls, SD for a concert. I love EVERY song on Macklemore's album The Heist so my sisters and I were pretty pumped for the show. He did not disappoint (we could have done with out the abundance of high schoolers). After staying over our friend Allie's house whose parents so graciously let us stay and they fed us, we drove back to Moorhead on the sixth.
Monday the 8th my sister Nicole and I left at 2 a.m. for Mankato, MN for the state academic conference where we presented our content analysis of violence in children's films(this is another blog post). We returned home from Mankato that same day around 8:30 p.m. On top of the traveling were days filled with school, homework, hanging with old friends and work so by Tuesday I was wiped out. So wiped out, I slept from 12:30 am Tuesday until 2:45 before going to work at 4. My body was telling me I needed rest but I pushed a little more and now I am sick with a cold. It was ALL worth it because seeing and experiencing new people and environments is worth it.
I guess what I am trying to say is settling down in one location is going to be hard for me in the future. All my life I've never stayed in one place very long. Moving from Fall River, MA to Providence, RI, to Wausau, WI and then to Moorhead, MN. I've always anticipated the move to somewhere new; a place with great adventures. Of course I can always make adventures myself no matter what the city. After living in Moorhead, MN the past four years I've heard plenty of people say, "There's nothing to do here, it is so boring." You know what I say to that? The town isn't boring, only you are. It is called making the best of your situation and if a person cannot find entertainment or activities to do in the F/M area I call b.s. because that's their own fault.
I look forward to the traveling I pursue in the future and my next step in life. With this long winter we've been having (snowed today!) I hope to move out of the Midwest for a while after the summer of 2014. I also plan on doing some traveling in the country to states not yet visited. So I urge everyone to let your margins fade as you continue to keep moving.
Enjoy the picture of my sisters and I as babies, taken in Massachusetts.
Stay Joyful,
Thursday, March 7, 2013
My Final "I Run for Water" Totals
Hello Friends,
I Run For Water officially ended on March 2 and I am happy to announce the official funds total is $1,065. I am thankful and grateful for every donor listed below and the amount of each donation. The donation from Graebel Co. employees cannot be looked over. The exact number of donors is not known, but I extend appreciation to each and every one of you!
Without all of you who took the time to read about and become informed about Charity Water $1, 065 would not be on its way to provide about 53 people with clean water in Tigray, Ethiopia.

I ran a total of 84 miles in the past 2 months. I would be lying if I said I am not disappointed in this final amount. I know deep down I could run more than 3 miles, 6 days a week with one rest day. I did not do this and I will definitely try my best during my next fundraiser. However, I am not disappointed in the funds raised! All I can say is thank you and I hope everyone continues to open their hearts for those in need in the future.
January: 59
February: 35
Thank You Charity Water for being a nonprofit organization who does such good in this world. You are all amazing!
Stay Joyful,
Monday, February 25, 2013
A Quick Thank You
Hello friends,
With only 5 days left to donate I am so thankful for people continuing to show their amazing hearts by donating to Charity Water. Two more donations were made since yesterday to increase the amount raised so far to $894. My running is still going as well, today I ran 2.5 miles for clean water. So this is a quick thank you for the donations today and in the past 2 months.
www.mycharitywater.org/i-run-for-water will bring you straight to the donation page where it is as simple as pressing the green button show to the right.

Stay Joyful,
With only 5 days left to donate I am so thankful for people continuing to show their amazing hearts by donating to Charity Water. Two more donations were made since yesterday to increase the amount raised so far to $894. My running is still going as well, today I ran 2.5 miles for clean water. So this is a quick thank you for the donations today and in the past 2 months.
![]() |
Just imagine the smiling faces |
Remember there is still time to donate!
www.mycharitywater.org/jessjoyjasp will bring you to my profile page to find updates and mileage.www.mycharitywater.org/i-run-for-water will bring you straight to the donation page where it is as simple as pressing the green button show to the right.

Stay Joyful,
Thursday, February 21, 2013
The End is Near and the Future is Clear
Hello Friends,
I cannot believe how fast 7 weeks have passed. Thank you to all of you who donated so far! After looking back at my Nike account here are the official numbers for the amount of miles I ran:

I cannot believe how fast 7 weeks have passed. Thank you to all of you who donated so far! After looking back at my Nike account here are the official numbers for the amount of miles I ran:
January: 59
February: 30 so far
I am going to try and run as far as possible in the next 8 days until the fundraiser ends. For only running 89 miles and to raise $796 is incredible and so much more than I expected. I never thought I would increase my first goal of $500 to $1,000.

With every donation my eyes welled up with tears and I feel so blessed to be able to spread news about Charity Water and for so many people to respond positively. So far 39 men, women, and children will be provided with clean water in Ethiopia. 39 human beings lives will be changed forever because of water, an element many of us take for granted every day.
All I had to do was run and advertise my fundraiser to friends, family, and one place of business. On March 2 2013 two months will mark the time it took to raise the final amount of money. I guess the point is for all of you who feel like you can do more, you can. Imagine if everyone followed through with a fundraiser like Charity Water. Imagine how much money could be raised for those in need. Whether you are called toward international fundraising or doing good in your community, I urge you do take a step forward. Hopefully I have encouraged others to begin their own fundraiser or to give up some of their week to volunteer. I certainly feel like more can be done by me.
So here's to 8 more days left! Please spread the word if you haven't already about the fundraiser.
My Charity Water Profile where you will find daily updates and pictures proving how many miles I ran each day: www.mycharitywater.org/jessjoyjasp
Here is the direct link to the donation page: www.mycharitywater.org/i-run-for-water
Stay Joyful,
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Questioning Comparison
Hello friends,
Comparison is simple.
Comparison is easy.
Comparison is addicting.
Comparison sucks us in and distorts our minds into thinking we need to change.
This past week, I allowed countless comparisons to steal my time. I compare my faith, relationship, what it means to love, grades, wealth, and fitness. The only lesson I learn amounts to additional confusion and questioning. At this point separation of reality and fantasy is blurred into a Tetris game circa 1984. Building upon blocks and unable to tear apart the hinges. Leaving gaps of nothingness as a result. I do not want to live in fantasy. Comparison allows me to live in a fantasy dreaming of changes that will never take place. I dream of differences because I believe they will better my life. Reality screams back, the fact of the matter is if I remain in fantasy no changes will occur.
I am physically and emotionally tired of comparing the past and the possible future to this moment in time. My time on earth fails in comparison to where I hope to spend Eternity. What lies inside of me is yet to be discovered. We all have the ability to accomplish more. My accomplishments will fail in comparison to my fantasies. Reality will trump. I will beat this game of Tetris, allowing doubts to dissolve with every block. Next time a thought of comparison comes to your mind simply ask yourself if it is fair. Is it fair to yourself? Is it fair to the thing your are comparing? Is it fair to the person you are comparing? I'm going to save you some time, IT ISN'T FAIR.
Next time you compare your life, wealth, religion, relationships,etc. (no matter the truth that may exist) remember we were all "fearfully and wonderfully made."
Stay Joyful,
Enjoy a picture of Luna and I :)
"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." -Ralph Waldo EmersonLately I've been thinking about comparison. Us as human beings naturally if not ritualistically compare ourselves to everyone. Whether the comparison is between our jobs, families, significant others, relationships, possessions, religions, morals, actions, etc. We get wedged between "Am I as accomplished as this person?" or "Could my life be better?" or "I have to fix this because that person's is like that" or "Wow, so and so should be more like me." Vague questions I know, but take into consideration the vagueness of comparison. No two individuals were born to be exactly alike. No matter the area of life you set your eyes upon, there will always be differing characteristics and circumstances.
Comparison is simple.
Comparison is easy.
Comparison is addicting.
Comparison sucks us in and distorts our minds into thinking we need to change.
This past week, I allowed countless comparisons to steal my time. I compare my faith, relationship, what it means to love, grades, wealth, and fitness. The only lesson I learn amounts to additional confusion and questioning. At this point separation of reality and fantasy is blurred into a Tetris game circa 1984. Building upon blocks and unable to tear apart the hinges. Leaving gaps of nothingness as a result. I do not want to live in fantasy. Comparison allows me to live in a fantasy dreaming of changes that will never take place. I dream of differences because I believe they will better my life. Reality screams back, the fact of the matter is if I remain in fantasy no changes will occur.
I am physically and emotionally tired of comparing the past and the possible future to this moment in time. My time on earth fails in comparison to where I hope to spend Eternity. What lies inside of me is yet to be discovered. We all have the ability to accomplish more. My accomplishments will fail in comparison to my fantasies. Reality will trump. I will beat this game of Tetris, allowing doubts to dissolve with every block. Next time a thought of comparison comes to your mind simply ask yourself if it is fair. Is it fair to yourself? Is it fair to the thing your are comparing? Is it fair to the person you are comparing? I'm going to save you some time, IT ISN'T FAIR.
Next time you compare your life, wealth, religion, relationships,etc. (no matter the truth that may exist) remember we were all "fearfully and wonderfully made."
Stay Joyful,
Enjoy a picture of Luna and I :)
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Thank you for supporting I Run for Water
Hello friends,
I have exciting news about the I Run for Water fundraiser I have only been a part of for 23 days. Tagged onto my Christmas wish list this year other than toothbrush heads and socks was a 25 dollar donation to Charity Water. Well, I received SO much more than what I hoped for. My mom works at Graebel Van Lines in Wausau, Wisconsin and I have also worked there for two summers in the past. To raise money for charity or for a person in need Graebel will offer "dress down days" in which if you donate a dollar for the day you are able to dress down rather than wear the regular office apparel. So my mom had a fantastic idea to ask the lovely folks at Graebel if they could provide a dress down week at the beginning of January in which the money would go to those in need of clean water.
My mom spread the news about my fundraiser and after getting the go ahead I made up a poster and e-mail to send to everyone. On January 7th through January 10th Graebel employees generously donated a dollar a day (some donated more) to help fund providing clean water to those in Ethiopia. My mom told me the total amount on Friday and it took all I had to hold back the tears. I am so thankful, grateful, and excited for all the support I have received from everyone at Graebel. The total amount donated is $476.02! I am truly blown away by this amount. This means I am increasing my previous goal of $500 dollars to $1,000. Thank you again to those who donated, my mom for setting this whole thing up, and Graebel for allowing the dress down week. Without all of you I would not be able to set my goal even higher and raise more money for clean water.
2013 is promising for change, opportunity, and more blessings in my life. I have ran a total of 46 miles so far and raised a total of $631.52. The spring semester began on the 14th and I am looking forward to new classes, more running, and new experiences. To stay updated on my runs and donation goals here is the link to my Charity Water page: http://mycharitywater.org/jessjoyjasp and here is the link to the donation page for I Run for Water: http://mycharitywater.org/i-run-for-water . I will also try and write a new blog once a week which will compile my runs, thoughts, and experiences from the week.
I cannot say thank you enough to those of you who donated. I also want to say thank you to the readers of my blog. Please continue to spread the word about Charity Water and remember any amount helps.
Stay joyful,
I have exciting news about the I Run for Water fundraiser I have only been a part of for 23 days. Tagged onto my Christmas wish list this year other than toothbrush heads and socks was a 25 dollar donation to Charity Water. Well, I received SO much more than what I hoped for. My mom works at Graebel Van Lines in Wausau, Wisconsin and I have also worked there for two summers in the past. To raise money for charity or for a person in need Graebel will offer "dress down days" in which if you donate a dollar for the day you are able to dress down rather than wear the regular office apparel. So my mom had a fantastic idea to ask the lovely folks at Graebel if they could provide a dress down week at the beginning of January in which the money would go to those in need of clean water.
My mom spread the news about my fundraiser and after getting the go ahead I made up a poster and e-mail to send to everyone. On January 7th through January 10th Graebel employees generously donated a dollar a day (some donated more) to help fund providing clean water to those in Ethiopia. My mom told me the total amount on Friday and it took all I had to hold back the tears. I am so thankful, grateful, and excited for all the support I have received from everyone at Graebel. The total amount donated is $476.02! I am truly blown away by this amount. This means I am increasing my previous goal of $500 dollars to $1,000. Thank you again to those who donated, my mom for setting this whole thing up, and Graebel for allowing the dress down week. Without all of you I would not be able to set my goal even higher and raise more money for clean water.
2013 is promising for change, opportunity, and more blessings in my life. I have ran a total of 46 miles so far and raised a total of $631.52. The spring semester began on the 14th and I am looking forward to new classes, more running, and new experiences. To stay updated on my runs and donation goals here is the link to my Charity Water page: http://mycharitywater.org/jessjoyjasp and here is the link to the donation page for I Run for Water: http://mycharitywater.org/i-run-for-water . I will also try and write a new blog once a week which will compile my runs, thoughts, and experiences from the week.
I cannot say thank you enough to those of you who donated. I also want to say thank you to the readers of my blog. Please continue to spread the word about Charity Water and remember any amount helps.
Stay joyful,
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
I Run for Water
Hello Friends,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had an amazing time celebrating the holidays with friends and family. As 2013 begins with full force I would like to tell you all about my fundraiser that began today, January 1st. As I said in my last blog post, "I've been taking water for granted," my plan is to intertwine my passion for running with my passion for providing clean water to everyone. So here it goes!
Through Charity Water I began a fundraiser titled "I Run for Water." This fundraiser consists of recording the daily mileage I run on my fundraising website, http://mycharitywater.org/i-run-for-water, and my goal is for at least one person to match the mileage I ran with a dollar donation per mile. For example, if I run 3 miles one day I would hope for a person to donate 3 dollars or any amount that person can. My goal is to raise a minimum of $500.00 in two months. This means I will be running as much as possible in two months in order to raise as much money as possible.
I am very excited for this fundraiser and I hope you are all too. It is so easy for all of my friends to help because of the donation page. This donation page will also make it easy for me to update my mileage, pictures, news, etc. to everyone who is interested. Here is exactly where the money is going:

Happy New Year! I hope you all had an amazing time celebrating the holidays with friends and family. As 2013 begins with full force I would like to tell you all about my fundraiser that began today, January 1st. As I said in my last blog post, "I've been taking water for granted," my plan is to intertwine my passion for running with my passion for providing clean water to everyone. So here it goes!
Through Charity Water I began a fundraiser titled "I Run for Water." This fundraiser consists of recording the daily mileage I run on my fundraising website, http://mycharitywater.org/i-run-for-water, and my goal is for at least one person to match the mileage I ran with a dollar donation per mile. For example, if I run 3 miles one day I would hope for a person to donate 3 dollars or any amount that person can. My goal is to raise a minimum of $500.00 in two months. This means I will be running as much as possible in two months in order to raise as much money as possible.
I am very excited for this fundraiser and I hope you are all too. It is so easy for all of my friends to help because of the donation page. This donation page will also make it easy for me to update my mileage, pictures, news, etc. to everyone who is interested. Here is exactly where the money is going:
100% of donations from this campaign will fund water projects in Ethiopia.
Your money will help the Tigray region of Ethiopia. Many here are farmers living on less than $1/day.
60% of the people here don’t have access to clean water, and must walk hours to the nearest water source.
You’re helping fund drilled and hand-dug wells for communities in the rural countryside of Ethiopia.
So please, please click on my website link daily to see updates and how many miles I ran for clean water. Any amount of money helps and would be greatly appreciated. I will be posting fundraiser updates http://mycharitywater.org/i-run-for-water as well as this blog.
Stay Joyful,
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